first month pregnancy

First month pregnancy, probably not many people understand when you are pregnant, but in fact your body actively worked to adjust to the process of pregnancy.

Because On the first month pregnancy sperm cells and egg cells meet in the conception stage. Cells that carry chromosome sperm will mingle with 23 chromosomes that carry eggs (ova).
Both the information together to determine the skin color, gender, hair form whether to follow his father or mother and so forth.
On the first month pregnancy Tues result of fertilization is still shaped blastocyst, these cells had divided himself went to the placenta and fetus. Collections outside the root cells called the blastocyst-like villi cells that will instill itself in the uterus.

After fertilization will be marked by cessation of menstruation. Until the end of the first month pregnancy there is almost no physical complaints, although there are some women who experience rapid feeling tired.

also there is bleeding On the first month pregnancy that most women mean menstrual blood. Bleeding that occurs is the impact of egg implantation in the uterine wall. after implantation or attachment of the zygote in the wall of the uterus, will begin releasing hormone HCG (pregnancy test to assess). Part of the embryo that is not attached to the uterus will grow. Vertebrae, coccyx, ribs, and central nervous system begins to form. Similarly, cardiac tissue and blood vessels. Will form two holes on the face of the fetus. This hole will be filled by the eye. In the fifth week of your baby's size is now about the size of an apple seed in this week and referred to as an embryo.

that was first month pregnancy.