Folic acid

Folic acid during pregnancy beneficial for pregnant women and fetuses are conceived. folic acid in pregnant women is useful in preventing the occurrence of megaloblastic anemia, increase metabolism and reduce the risk of preeclampsia / eclampsia (high blood pressure and seizures during pregnancy).

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, we will see many new things. but sometimes have to be further considered in order not to harm the health.

Working during pregnancy

Working during pregnancy for the mother to be a new challenge, apart from weight loss and increased cardiac load that makes the mother to take a break. Until the mental burden of fetal conditions that make it easy to fall in stress conditions. That is why many mothers who think twice about working during pregnancy. The mothers

Ninth month of pregnancy

Ninth month of pregnancy, as an enlarged abdomen, pregnant women will also experience additional difficulties in activity. Even while sleeping though.

Eighth month of pregnancy

Eighth month of pregnancy, usually, a pregnant woman will experience increased discomfort, both physically and psychologically. From the physical aspect because of an enlarged stomach and other preparations

Seventh month of pregnancy

Seventh month of pregnancy, problems still revolves around the low back pain, leg swelling, and gain weight. In addition, the enlarged uterus makes shortness of breath is often approached.

sixth month of pregnancy

Sixth month of pregnancy, usually mothers tend to feel always hungry, be careful with foods that contain lots of salt because it will increase the risk of hypertension. Complaints of headaches began to emerge, as well as