Third month of pregnancy, uterus begins to enlarge, with a growing uterus will occur some discomfort, low back pain complaints began to be felt even though not much compared to the months ahead.
In the womb, your baby learns to develop the ability to breathe and eat. digestive and respiratory organs grow and learn to perform its functions.
His kidneys began to produce urine as waste products, channels pencernaanpun began actively absorb glucose, which is supported by the salivary glands begin to function and growth of buds on the tongue.
In his lungs begin to breathe though not yet be said to function perfectly. Inhaled lung membranes are still in the learning process, but was soon released again. Little also started to hiccup as one way to train the muscles of the respiratory organs.
In this month also the radius of curvature of the hands of the more obvious, as seen on ultrasound baby sucking his little finger. He is also moving increasingly active and position switches. His brain is growing rapidly, but the proportion of head and body are not balanced in this month.
The third month of pregnancy when the male sex at this age can already be clearly ascertained, while women are still occasionally dubious. Fetal mouth and nose visible. Legs and arms begin to grow. The fetus can open and close his mouth, and he began to practice swallowing and sucking movement.
Form on each finger nails and toes appear on this week. In this week fetus has a length of about 39 mm and weighs 20 grams. In this week's abdomen and chest cavity has been separated and the eye muscles and the upper lip is formed. The skin formation and function evolved toward improvement.
neck muscles are formed. The brain develops rapidly in the last month so that a larger proportion of the head from the body. Muscle and nervous system has reached a level of maturity. Besides can also send and receive messages from the brain. Even the legs are able to kick motion. Ear formation ends. The fetus had to bend his hand into a fist half.
Because the third month of pregnancy is the phase of formation of other vital organs and brain development, do not let lack of consume less builder substance, energy materials, regulators Zata, vitamins and minerals, especially iron to maintain the health and development your baby on the third month of pregnancy.