Fertile period, is the perfect time to get pregnant.
Just as during menstruation, women also have a time where he has a high fertility. This is called the fertile period. When fertile eggs are released from the ovary and survive in the uterus for approximately 48 hours Some sources say that the woman's fertile period is 14 days before menstruation to come (for those with normal menstrual period 28 days).
During the fertile period the best time for conception / fertilization. For that couples who wish to have children are strongly encouraged to have sex / intercourse in the fertile women.
Unlike women, men do not know the terms of fertility. At the time of ejaculation (orgasm), a man capable of removing the sperm cell. So a man (male) sperm cells could spend what he wants. The important thing here is how the quality of sperm that he spend?
So it can be concluded that if the reproductive health of husband and wife are not disturbed / level of male fertility and female fertility otherwise normal, then they can get pregnant when having sex / intercourse during the fertile period.
In both fertile couples, sometimes still found the case difficult to get the baby / babies / pregnancy although they had intercourse during the fertile period.